Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Modern Corporations Must Be Characterized As A Nexus...
The modern corporations can be characterized as a nexus of contracts (Jensen and Meckling, 1976). Among all the contracts in the firm, the agency contract entered, when a firm hired a chief executive officer (CEO), is of the most importance as CEO is the agent who acts on behalf of the shareholders to manage the firm. This contract tends to align the interest of shareholders and managers by basing managerial compensation on performance. Although the firm try to fulfil every aspect of terms in the employment agreements to guide the appropriate actions of managers, these contracts are incomplete as it is either impossible or prohibitively costly to fully observe manager actions. The imperfect characteristic of contract thus creates opportunities for the agent to â€Å"game the system†(Prendergast 1999). Groen-Xu (2013) indicates that the role of contract is precisely a formalization of the evaluation period, especially the final year of contract, where more weights are put on evaluating the performance. Thus, managers have strong incentives to engage in strategic behavior to influence the evaluation process during the contract expiration, when their performance is being assessed and their contracts are being renegotiated. The better performance result can impress and influence board of directors and shareholders, thus help CEO with their tenure renew and get improved contract terms in the new employment agreement. However, little is known about how CEOs respond to impendingShow MoreRelatedCorporate Governance And Employer Employee Relationship3217 Words  | 13 Pagesfirm. The modern firm has been characterized by the movement of international, financial markets into the structure of industry of the 20th century and a transformation of the importance of human capital. Introduction: The objective of the firm is to produce the collective action needed to increase shareholders’ profits. To earn a profit in the long run, naturally, the needs of a broad range of stakeholders, including lenders, employees, customers, suppliers and community, must be met, butRead MoreDeterminants Of Ceo Compensation : The Case Of Vietnamese Listed Enterprises9564 Words  | 39 Pagescompensation research (Mirrless, 1976; Jensen Meckling, 1976; Holmstrom, 1979; Tosi Gomez-Mejia, 1994). This theory suggests that managerial compensation should be directly tied to firm performance in order to motivate a firm’s managers to act in the best of interests of the firm’s shareholders (Gomez-Mejia and Wiseman, 1997), and also to solve or at least mitigate the conflict of interests between owners and managers (Tosi Gomez-Mejia, 1994; Jensen Meckling; 1976). However, there is still haveRead MoreThe Effects of Ownership Structure, Board Effectiveness and Managerial Discr etion on Performance of Listed Companies in Kenya27922 Words  | 112 Pages Significance of the Study 14 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 17 2.1. Theories of Corporate Governance 17 2.2. Agency Theory as an Analytical Framework 22 2.3. Traditional Approach to Corporate Governance 28 2.4. Modern Perspective on Corporate Governance 29 2.5. Corporate Performance 31 2.6. Ownership Structure and Corporate Performance 36 2.7. Board Effectiveness and Corporate Performance 42 2.8. Managerial Discretion and CorporateRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words  | 846 Pagesagreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose the same condition on any acquirer British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Data available Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data Data available Typeset by SPI Publisher Services, PondicherryRead MoreStrategic Management and Information Systems19841 Words  | 80 Pagescustomers better. 3.1 ORGANIZATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS nformation systems and organizations influence one another. Information systems are built by managers to serve the interests of the business firm. At the same time, the organization must be aware of and open to the influences of information systems to benefit from new technologies. The interaction between information technology and organizations is complex and is influenced by many mediating factors, including the organization’s structure
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Who Is The And Christian Fellowship - 1191 Words
Age range 60 to 80 This bible study group are familiar with bible stories passed on to them from childhood by their parents and schools. They are not committed bible readers. The purpose of the group is for friendship and Christian fellowship. They are also familiar with the story of David that has been passed on to them from childhood and not from the actual biblical text. They recognise David as a hero and a repentant sinner who is loved by God, they are also familiar with the Psalms and are aware that some of the Psalms were written by David. They are also aware of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Son of David. Actual Biblical Story The oldest story about David is found in I Samuel 16 which continues through the whole of II†¦show more content†¦God then tells Samuel that he had rejected Eliab because He judges by the heart and not outward appearances. He rejected Jesse’s first six sons. Samuel is then told about David who is tending the flock. David is immediately sent for and God speaks decisively ‘This is the one’ and David is secretly anointed. Interestingly, his good looks and attractiveness are mentioned. The second introduction to David is the news that Saul is being tormented by an evil spirit from God (1 Samuel 16:14-23). At this time, there was not much awareness and understanding of mental illness so the illness is ascribed to God. Saul might have been suffering from depression and psychosis. Saul’s servant mentions music, and David is recommended and enters Saul’s employment. His good looks and attractiveness are also mentioned. The third story of David’s introduction is the most famous (1 Samuel 17). The Israelites are being challenged to a single combat by Goliath. The troops are terrified, a reward is offered (that includes the King’s daughter) for whoever kills Goliath. David arrives with food supplies and is introduced again as if for the first time. David’s first words spoken as he listens to Goliath’s threat was ‘what will be done for the man who strikes down the philistine?’ (1 Samuel 17:26). He then adds a noble comment about the insult to God, although his main motivation is obvious because he spends the next verses checking the details
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Developing Professional and Employability Skills Skills for Business
Question: Discuss about the Developing Professional and Employability Skills for Skills in Business. Answer: Introduction Representatives of industry and businesses have expressed their continual dissatisfaction for the available skill set that is available with the employee that are lacking basic employability skills(Aubrey and Cohen, n.d.).The research conducted by the Secretarys Commission brings to light,facts such as half of our young generation leave school without the proper knowledge of employability skills that makes it an issue for them to land on and hold onto a good job.It has been widely argued that the dissatisfaction of the typical employer is due to the lack of proper technical skills but a review indicated that employers normally do not have much problem regarding technical skills but it is the non-technical skills that play a big factor here.Employability skills can be simply stated as the specific attributes of an employee rather than his technical know -how that makes him important to his employer.Employability skills mainly consist of reading,problem solving,decision making and also other basic skills (Panth, 2014). This report basically aims at identifying and also listing the various employability skills and ways of developing them. Methodology The methodology is very important for the development of the professional and employability skills. It is a lot on the employer that the company shall excel in the future or not. The employees are the pillars of the company, as a pillar holds the home strong, the employees hold the name of the company strong. The selection of the wrong type of employees can denude the reputation of the company and the correct employee chain can really ascertain a rise in profit for the company (Evers, Rush and Berdrow, 1998). Thus it is evident the employer must be very cautious on selection. This research shall excavate the means and measures to achieve the first rate employment strategy. The following methods can be used to enumerate the situation in detail: Descriptive process: this is the first part of the methodology practice. This is the part where the situation is described in detail. All the constraints of a good and a bad employment. This is an important part of the methodology that shall describe the situation on the basis of which the lateral parts of the same shall be enumerated (Miller, Biggart and Newton, 2013). Correlation process: this is the second part of the whole. This will establish the relation between a good employment and profit and vice versa. While delving deep with the standards of this part, the person will be able to understand the need of a good employment and the need of developing the professional skills and employability measures. This is a modern day analysis procedure to attain the goal point. Quantitative process: after the basic understanding this is the part of the quantitative process. This is a step by step analysis of the whole situation and then there is an inference. The important components of the procedure are: Make your observations about the issue and then investigate current theory surrounding the predicament or issue. Hypothesize a clarification for the observations. Make a prediction of outcomes based on your hypotheses. Formulate a plan to test your prediction. Collect and process your data. Analyse the collected data for the well-being of the research and the organization. Get a complete and detailed picture of the situation. Verify your findings. Make your final conclusions. Present your findings in an appropriate form for your audience. Have a free flowing reasoning in the application. Qualitative approach: this is the most modern form. Here the quality of a person is described. The most common procedures of this final part are judging the real authenticity and quality of a particle. The qualitative approach in methodology shall help the reader to understand what the precise effects of wrong employment are. The same shall also discuss the probable ways to achieve that milestone where every employment shall be good and very recruitment shall be fruitful. The qualitative approach shall finally edict the need of the development of professional and the employability skills. This is basically the conclusion of this chapter. Literature review Denicolo and Reeves at their famous speech once had commented that the correct employment is indulged in profit. The correct employment boosts and nurtures the profit of the company. This had been already enumerated that the wrong employment can earn disaster for the company. This book cites a lot of examples. The examples can give a good teaching. There are several diagrams and techniques in the form of charts which concoct the modern annotation of the same. The (Allan, 2009) book says that modern world is much dependant on the employment strategies. The book rightly says that the employment strategy must be dependent on the area of action and the locality. The employment is a vital question. The company officials must be very sincere of the same. They must know the right condition to judge a person in front of him. Only then the company can run well. Many researchers in articles like (Pitan, 2016) had envisaged a modern strategy which is dependent on the marketing strategies. The employment skills must be developed to understand what is running on the back of the mind. The employer can be able to judge a person and only then the right process is attained. Another book mentioning special interest like (Maclean et al. 2013) states clearly that in the modern world if there are no strategies then there would be no remedy. The company can crash or succeed on them. Thus there are the books which have helped a lot to understand the same. Findings (Primary) There are various ways to develop aforesaid skills Extra-curricular activities-These are great ways to learn many important skills such as teamwork .Writing for the school magazine will also help develop writing skills. Home life-It can teach us organization and planning if u run a family while studying. 3.Course-One can learn most employability skills through the current undergoing course .Analytical skills which can be developed from arguing with complex material, drawing conclusions from experiments .Written communication skills can be developed by completing assignments (Allan, 2009). Verbal skills are best learned by attending seminars. Managing the various course loads teachesus the art of planning and organization. Information technology is yet another aspect that can be covered here (Anon, 2016). 4.Work shadowing-It basically means investigating people about their work. This can prove very useful in the long run. 5.Part time job-It is a very important step in developing employability skills.A part-time job can teach us a lot of things such as handling money, dealing with customers, organization, and planning, working under pressure. The ways to develop the specific skills are- 1.Writing skills-This can be developed by writing for projects, assignments, even writing for the newspaper, public materials etc. speaking skills-Joining the drama group, speaking publicly, seminar all these can help develop speaking skills. 3.Adaptability-Adaptability can be developed in various ways such as going somewhere alone, working part time etc. 4.Co-operative skills-This can be developed by taking up group assignments, team sports, group projects and any other act which requires a group (Andrews and Russell, 2012). Analysing skills- These skills can be a little hard to develop. It can be done by analysing experiments for data, working voluntarily for a publisher (, 2016). 6.Initiative-Running a new society, making new websites, start-ups these are the various ways of developing this skill. 7.Planning and organizing skill-This is probably one of the most important skills which can be developed. Course project management, organizing events for sports or charity are some of the ways of developing the skill. 8.Leadership skill-Another important skill this can be developed by leading a project, being the president of a society, school representatives etc. are some of the ways to work on them (Belfort, 2009). 9.Negotiating and persuading skills-This are very useful skills for the market place. This is best learned by taking an active part in a debate. Arguing for one's case in a seminar is yet another way. 10.Decision-making skills-Another important skill which plays a vital role here. This can be developed by representing ones school or targeting customers in a sales job etc. An intensive research has been carried out in lieu of this project, aiming to answer some basic questions regarding employability skills.This questions clarify the basic information that one seeks regarding employability skills. (Secondary) Do employers value these employability skills above the required professional skills? Through extensive research, it has been found that employers, in general, do consider these employability skills strongly. This holds true irrespective of the nature of work of the company. The research suggests that employee attitude is given the highest importance by employers (Varlejs and Walton, 2009). The employers they stress on basic skills over the job specific ones and the employers also consider it important for employees to understand the work atmosphere. Does failure to equip people with the required skills have serious consequences? The lack of employability skills has shown to have far reaching consequences. Because without the requisite skills, it becomes challenging for the individual to hold on to the job. Are employability skills learned during the on-going process of classroom education? No, employability skills are best taught explicitly which stands in opposition to the generic belief that the students will learn them during the course. However, that is definitely not the case. And, these skills should be taught explicitly. Conclusion This project has identified the various skills that are required to be employable. It also nurtures the various professional and employability skills that are required to be developed. We see that these skills are very important even over the specific occupational requirements because, these are the skills which can help distinguish an employee, for one bestowed with these is far more suited to take up more challenging roles (Smale and Fowlie, 2015). These are very basic skills but should be developed at the onset and with utmost care because they are instrumental in shaping us. The proper balance of these will also open new avenues for one to explore. These skills need to be taught explicitly contrary to popular belief. Programmes need to be established which can help one hone these skills for a better future. References Allan, B. (2009). Study skills for business and management students. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill/Open University Press. Andrews, G. and Russell, M. (2012). Employability skills development: strategy, evaluation and impact. HE, Skills Work-Based Lrng, 2(1), pp.33-44. Anon, (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 2016]. Aubrey, R. and Cohen, P. (n.d.). Working Wisdom: Timeless Skills and Vanguard Strategies for LearningOrganizations. Belfort, J. (2009). Catching the Wolf of Wall Street. New York, N.Y.: Bantam Books. Evers, F., Rush, J. and Berdrow, I. (1998). The bases of competence. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass. (2016). How to develop employability skills. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2016]. Miller, L., Biggart, A. and Newton, B. (2013). Basic and employability skills. International Journal of Training and Development, 17(3), pp.173-175. Panth, B. (2014). Skills development for employability and inclusive growth: Policy dilemmas and priorities in South Asia. PROSPECTS, 44(2), pp.167-182. Pitan, O. (2016). Employability development opportunities (EDOs) as measures of students enhanced employability. HE, Skills Work-Based Lrng, 6(3), pp.288-304. Varlejs, J. and Walton, G. (2009). Continuing Prosessional Development-Preparing for New Roles in Libraries. MuÃÅ'ˆnich: K.G. Saur MuÃÅ'ˆnchen.
Monday, December 2, 2019
MotherS Love Essays - Two Kinds, Girl, The Joy Luck Club
Mother'S Love Children and Families A mother's love for her children is supposed to be something that never dies. The problem is, this ?love? can be expressed in many ways. Sometimes, the love is shown in such a way that there is no doubt that this woman would do anything for her offspring. Sometime, this love can be viewed, as a way that that the mother is trying to mold her daughter into what she believes is the ?right? way to behave. Other times, the mother is trying her best to make sure that her child is doing HER best. These three types of ?love? are expressed in the three short stories ?Girl,? ?Gravity,? and ?Two Kinds.? The mother in ?Girl? is portrayed as an overbearing monster. For some unknown reason, she has given her daughter many guidelines by which she has to live by. The reason may be that the mother was a rebel in her childhood. It could be that the mother has a vision of what her daughter is to be like. The reason is unknown. But what is known is that this mother won't take anything less than what she thinks a lady should be like. To the knowledge of the reader, the child has done nothing wrong to have to receive this reprimanding. The most demeaning section of the tirade is when the mother says ` so to prevent you from becoming the slut you are so bent on becoming.'? (Kincaid 13) This mother, for whatever reason it may be, has the idea that her daughter, who she is SUPPOSED to love with all her heart, has her young mind set on becoming a slut. Every time the daughter tried to throw in a comment, it goes all for naught. The mother does not even respond to the comment that her child says. The problem is this story might have been resolved; it might have not been resolved. No one will know. But, the odds are that if the mother will act like this now, there are no signs of her changing anytime in the near future. The daughter in this story has to live with the reality that her mother has a mindset of what a woman is. Unfortunately, it appears to be virtually impossible to fill the mold that her mother has for her. In ?Gravity,? the mother has been put into an awful situation. Her son, who seems to be about 30 years old, has the AIDS virus. He has grown weak and feeble. He basically relies on his mother for all his needs. This mother is portrayed as a mother that will (and unfortunately has to) do anything for her son. Even when he was a little child who could not see, his mother lent him her glasses so he could see ?Fiddler on the Roof.? She did this with full knowledge that she would be forced to squint for the entire showing. The mother herself has her own sicknesses, which she has to deal with. But, even still, she puts her son's well - being before hers? just like she has when he was a little child who couldn't see. The mother not only does things to help her son physically, she does things to help him emotionally. When she and her son are in a shop purchasing a gift bowl, she tossed the $500 glass bowl to her feeble son. To the surprise of her son and everyone else in the store, he held on. Theo, the son, was overwhelmed with joy that he didn't see a pile of glass in front of his feet. As good as a mother as she is, she does have some flaws. First, she somewhat gives the impression that she has been annoyed with the situation. She also feels that people are always looking down on them. Eventually, it is assumed that the son will pass away. To this day, no cure for AIDS has been found. No matter what, Theo, has always known, and always will know, that his mother would have moved the world to see him with a smile on his face. After all, she had been doing whatever it took to make him happy
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