Wednesday, November 27, 2019
For Whom The Bell Tolls - purpose essays
For Whom The Bell Tolls - purpose essays For centuries upon centuries, the essence of war has shaped and evolved the world that we live in today. There are very few positive characteristics that come out of engaging in war because of how widely detrimental to the world it can be. In the novel For Whom the Bell Tolls, Hemingway takes a relatively small war in the history of wars (Spanish Civil War), and emphasizes some of the detrimental affects war has on human nature. This novel reiterates how war changes the value of human life, how innocence is lost and how romantic love is affected. Hemingway's detached, journalistic style helps focus on the characters senses, like smell, touch, or hearing, although some of this description is restricted to Robert Jordan's perspective. Yet this style of writing also invites a more tangible way of emphasizing those different aspects of human nature that are affected through war. Thus, the purpose that lies behind this novel is to demonstrate war's effect on human nature, which is achieved through illustrating the psychology of the characters, beneath the surface of their The value of human life, as it exists in For Whom the Bell Tolls, varies by character. A recurring point that appears throughout the novel suggests how one comes to value life can determine their loss of innocence. Equally, Hemingway frequently revisits the morality of each character contains regarding their own life and taking the life of others. The two moral stances taken are illustrated through Pablo and his guerilla followers, and Anselmo. Pablo is a character whom has killed many people, thus takes life as he deems necessary to fulfill his objective in sustaining the fascists. Then, there is the other side presented through Anselmo, whom doesn't take pleasure in killing others, yet will take life if necessary to secure his own. Robert Jordan falls somewhere in between these two ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Free Online Microeconomics Textbook
Free Online Microeconomics Textbook About.coms Online Microeconomics Textbook is a set of links to resources on various Microeconomics topics. As with most online microeconomics resources this is very much a work in progress, so if there is something youd like to see covered in more depth please contact me by using the feedback form. Each Microeconomics textbook covers the core material in a different order. The order here is adapted from Parkin and Bades text Economics but it should be fairly close to those in other Microeconomics texts. Online Microeconomics Textbook CHAPTER 1: What is Economics? CHAPTER 2: Production and Trade- Production Possibility Frontier- Gains From Trade and International Trade CHAPTER 3: Economic Growth CHAPTER 4: Opportunity Cost CHAPTER 5: Demand and Supply- Demand- Supply CHAPTER 6: Elasticity- Elasticity of Demand- Elasticity of Supply CHAPTER 7: Markets- Labor Markets and Minimum Wage- Taxes- Markets for Prohibited Goods CHAPTER 8: Utility CHAPTER 9: Indifference Curves CHAPTER 10: Budget Lines CHAPTER 11: Costs, Scale, and Timing- Short Run vs. Long Run- Total, Average, and Marginal Costs- Economies of Scale CHAPTER 12: Market Structure CHAPTER 13: Perfect Competition CHAPTER 14: Monopoly CHAPTER 15: Monopolistic Competition CHAPTER 16: Oligopoly and Duopoly CHAPTER 17: Factors of Production- Demand and Supply For Factors- Labor- Capital- Land CHAPTER 18: Labor Markets CHAPTER 19: Capital and Natural Resource Markets- Capital- Interest Rates- Natural Resource Markets CHAPTER 20: Uncertainty and Information- Uncertainty- Insurance- Information- Risk CHAPTER 21: Distribution of Income and Wealth CHAPTER 22: Market Failure- Government Spending- Public Goods- Externalities- Collective Action Problems If there are other topics youd like to see covered in the Online Microeconomics Textbook please contact me by using the feedback form.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Eng 125 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Eng 125 - Term Paper Example However, readers often fail to understand the experience of the literature and find it difficult to grasp the concept, for this they need to know the approaches and forms of literature that they are going through. Connecting what is being read to what is being experienced can be challenging and this is what the text explains us. It is more interesting because it gives the understanding and knowledge of the different forms of literature that most of the readers do not understand while going through the literature. It is evident that fewer people have interests in poems and plays as they are the ones who understand the framework, for others, this text is very interesting as it tells about the forms to help them understand the literary work that they read. The introduction about the genre, imagination, experience and the humor gives an interesting aspect to the reader of this text (Massi, ?2001). As outlined in this chapter, the approach of the reader should be present in order to exper ience the literary work. There are several ways to approach the literary criticism. Literary criticism means analyzing, understanding and interpreting what is being expressed. A reader is the critic and he can analyze the literary work only when he understands and experiences the work. In order to interpret and examine a story, poem or play the approach that the reader will use is the reader-response approach. In order to get into the journey of literature which means the reader has to connect to what is being said, analyze it by considerations and draw conclusions by the help of his response. The reader has to find a personal link to the literature especially the poetry or play. The reader-response approach is the most popularly used approach in literature (Trace, 2002). The story, poem or play is often fictional and uses themes which relate to the author’s viewpoint and so readers often find it difficult to understand or experience. The journey to literature is connecting t he imagination of the author to one’s own imagination. Since the reading of a story, poem, or play drags the reader to an imaginary world, leaving behind the situations of the world in which the reader is breathing and living to an imaginary world created by the author. In order to apply the reader-response approach for such literary works, it is important for the reader to connect and relate the literature to their real lives and their own imaginations so that they can find a specific aspect of the work. In order to create an analytical essay about the story, poem or play, the reader must make sure he is vigilant towards the questions that what captured his interest, what feelings did he get, did it connect to his life, how does it relate to other works, what is the motivation to connect to this literary work and did this connection enhance understanding of new things. This approach may be challenging as the story, poems and plays are written in the author’s viewpoint . The reader must give away his surrounding world while experiencing the literature in order to analyze and connect to it. Moreover, to experience these forms of literature, the reader must have the intention to turn himself to the imaginary world which is described. A critical response to the stories, poems and plays of fiction need full concentration. Connecting and experiencing the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Business Strategies for Healthcare Institutions Essay - 191
Business Strategies for Healthcare Institutions - Essay Example The employed strategies should subsequently take into account key stakeholders in the institution, organizational efficiency, and financial sustainability in the healthcare environment (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne, 2013). Aligning healthcare reform with organizational operations is a key strategy. In essence, the idea is to make sure that the resultant reforms promote the relevance of the hospital. To do this, the director and all other key parties could undertake care transitions, where hospital operations are redefined or redesigned to accommodate key benefits realized from healthcare reform. It is important for hospital management to create healthcare value through payor relationships and revenue models. In other words, hospitals could create value and promote patient welfare through bundled payments, offering low-cost incentives, and enhancing the quality of care (Pynes & Lombardi, 2011). While the objective is to improve the performance of finance, human resource, and patient care departments, it is critical to account for all stakeholders influential to the institution. On the same note, it is important to note that the priority focuses on patient care, over and above striving to improve the long-term welfare of the healthcare institution. Efficiency, sustainability, and strong relationships in the healthcare environment translate to affordable care, increased access to services, and community engagement in hospital operations (Olden, 2011). Both internal and external hospital environments play an influential role in healthcare matters. When the community becomes engaged, the hospital builds an environment of loyalty and trust. Subsequently, the community becomes an ambassador of the hospital in selling its operations and performance.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Suffering from depression Essay Example for Free
Suffering from depression Essay In one of the first workshops we initially produced a brainstorm of ideas as to why people may be institutionalised. Below I have listed a selection of illnesses which were brainstormed. Medication non-compliance: Not following treatment and/or not taking medications as prescribed. Cognitive impairment: Defined as unusually poor mental function, associated with confusion, forgetfulness and difficulty Depression: A psychiatric disorder showing symptoms such as persistent feelings of hopelessness, dejection, poor concentration, lack of energy, inability to sleep, and, sometimes, suicidal tendencies Incontinence: Often used to refer to a lacking in moderation or self-control, especially related to sexual desire.  Everyone worked in pairs where one of us had been put into the institution by the other. Holly and I worked together, we decided I would be the character in the institution and I was then hot-seated. I decided I was a thirty-five year old woman who had been left by her husband and as a result of this, tragically suffering from depression. As a pose to helping me herself, Holly carelessly decided it was best to leave me in an institution, not knowing this sudden change in surroundings, faces and routine would in fact provoke my illness, leaving me worse than before. When brainstorming ideas as to why people may be institutionalised, depression seemed an obvious and popular idea. This influenced my reasons for rendering my character depressed. After we were hot-seated our teacher asked us questions about the characters we had created, I found the hot-seating helped tremendously when trying to understand and form my character, thus making it easier to answer questions about her. As I was able to understand my character through the hot-seating, I found I was able to form a deeper connection with her; I believed this would significantly help my portrayal when acting her character. We then created a duologue. This helped me further develop my character as it allowed me to see how she reacted when left face-to-face with Holly, through improvisation. It was clear from our characters opposing behavior towards one another that our relationship had been damaged due to the institution. Not only had my condition worsened but Hollys cold nature penetrated the already bad atmosphere between us making everything more awkward.Holly visits the institution to see if my condition has improved. This is the first time in two years she has visited and my hostile behavior towards her shows I am affected by her lack of visits. When she enters my room I am sitting in the corner, dribbling, rocking and the lights are off; she is horrified my depression has worsened and tries to leave immediately. Quickly I get up and run to the door, barricading it. I ask her why she put me here and left me for two years, followed by my monologue. In reply to this Holly performs her monologue explaining my depression was affecting her and everyone around me. Furiously, Holly pushes me aside and runs out of door, I am left crying on the floor in a ball, screaming and shouting why did you do this to me, scene cuts here. FINAL PERFORMANCE I found the final performance ran successfully, Holly and I remembered our lines and our stage directions; this, I thought, played a big part in the overall success of our performance. I believe my character came across well to the audience as the general feedback was positive- this showed the audience was able to identify with and understand my characters feelings and difficulties. Although the majority of the performance went well I, however, believe there is always room for improvement. Holly and I could have incorporated a flash back at the beginning of the scene, showing the audience the day I was put into the institution. I think this may have furthered the audiences understanding of my character and make the fact my condition had not improved clearer. This would not have only benefited the audience, but myself. By developing the scene in this way, I would have been able to also develop my character further on a whole, learning more about her.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Is Government Dominated By Business :: essays research papers fc
Is Government Dominated by Business      Special interest groups have dominated government since the advent of America's political system. Special interest groups or lobbies are collections of individuals who join together to pursue common interests and to influence the decisions on public policies. Many people view special interest groups as an integral part of the political process, legitimized by the first amendment of the Constitution. In that way, special interest groups are good. The point that disgusts many people is that more often then not money overpowers the right decision; that is why Big Business is a problem. The richer the companies and organizations, the better chance they have to persuade the government officials.      In the United States alone there are thousands of special interest groups working for their own cause. Some of the causes they are working for are: business, banking, labor, environment, women, seniors, the economy, and farming just to name a few. Some groups or businesses which partake in lobbying are: N.O.W., Green Peace, AFL-CIO, Teamsters, Sierra Club, N.R.A., Tobacco industry and the ACLU. These groups often work at the national, state, and local levels attempting to influence government policy. Many groups have permanent offices in Washington DC. The primary goals of these groups are the passing, blocking, or amending legislation to achieve a favorable ruling for their own benefit. In Washington the groups primary targets are the House and Senate sub-committees which are the key places where legislation is considered. The groups often speak in front of Committee hearings to put their views on the record.      One of the most well known special interest group is the National Rifle Association. This group has done tireless work in Washington trying to stop Gun Control bills from passing in Congress. The worst blow that happened to the NRA was the passing of the Brady Bill and the Assault Rifle Ban. The NRA believes this is an infringement on the constitutional rights of all Americans. Recently after a huge lobby in Washington, the NRA forced the Senate to have another vote on the Assault Rifle ban. The way the NRA forces the senate is as followed: the NRA gets together with some senators that they know want to repeal the ban. The NRA gives money to the senators for their campaigns, etc. The senators then persuade other senators and the NRA has them on their side as well. When the NRA captures enough senators, it forces Congress to bring it to the floor and debate about the issue. In this case, the NRA failed. However, the NRA will continue to support the senators that are a help to the cause and
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Chapter notes
A person is in a poor position to say there was an invasion of privacy when personal information is oluntarily placed in public view. 1. In privacy discussions, a frequent question is whether a reasonable person would expect information to be confidential, expectation of privacy. †stated as â€Å"a reasonable 2. For more than 20 years, â€Å"data mining†has been growing and media/Kroger cards have only increased this. a. The goal of a marketing strategist is to place an effective social message in front of the most likely group of â€Å"customers†at possible expense. b.Social media is essential to this end. the least C. Pushback stemming from privacy concerns comes in the form of people not nowing they have given consent or objecting when they discover that information about them they thought was private is, in fact, public. In other words, under the circumstances, they were under the impression they had a reasonable expectation of privacy. EXAMPLE: Suppose Bo b has hemorrhoids, a severe case †and frequently Googles â€Å"hemorrhoid relief†and other, similar terms. Bob may be surprised when he gets an e-mail with a coupon for Preparation H.He might be aghast to discover he has actually put what he has put what he considered to be personal, medical information n the Internet for a marketing company to harvest. And it could go on from there. Suppose Bob applies for a Job as an airline pilot and a background check reveals his medical condition. It's not debilitating, but another applicant who doesn't have hemorrhoids gets the Job. Bob would never know he was discriminated against searches he had initiated. Worse, suppose Bob does not have hemorrhoids, but is a medical student writing a paper?Suppose he's shopping for health insurance and is denied coverage or pays an excessive premium due to a medical condition he doesn't even have? SALIENT POINT: When thinking about privacy, it's also important to consider whether an alleged intrusion was by government or by private interests. Remember that the Constitution's wording is about what government will do and won't do. D. The sequence of cases: Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) Contraception was illegal in Connecticut. Roe v. Wade (1973) Performing an abortion was illegal in Lawrence v. Texas (2003) Homosexual acts were illegal in Texas. 1 .Progressively, the Supreme Court expanded the â€Å"right to be left alone†absent a state interest as first envisioned by Warren and 2. Needless to say, these cases represent a sea change in Brandeis in 1890. American social and legal history. For most of America's history, making people behave â€Å"properly' was deemed a valid role of government. Over the past few decades, we have come to the point that unless government cant state a strong public interest to be achieved, it has to leave us alone. EXAMPLE: In the past few years, the standard response to same-sex marriage legalization has become, â€Å"It doesn't a ffect me. The new public mindset is, â€Å"Who am I to Judge or tell people what is and what isn't an appropriate relationship? †In the ast, society had no problem with this. Too, consider whether the logical extension is whether polygamy, domestic violence or similar behaviors can/should be legalized on the same basis, TEXT NOTE: Only people have a right to privacy. Organizations – businesses, universities, nonprofits – do not. Only people. TEXT NOTE: As we discuss the four area of privacy tort law, note that each has different elements of proof and defenses. Avoid confusing them. II. The four areas of privacy law/torts A.Appropriation of name or likeness for trade purposes AKA Commercial appropriation of a plaintiffs name or likeness. TEXT NOTE: There are two classes of plaintiffs in this tort – the nonfamous and the famous. Distinguishing them is critical to the analysis. For everyday people, damages are based on insult, emotional hurt. For celebritie s, damages are based on the Implied- by circumstances People who voluntarily place information before the public can't protest 1 . Appropriate means take without permission. a. As we have often seen, early on in legal circles, this was considered a problem. b.Starting in Georgia in 1905, an person was awarded not $25,000 when his image was used in a newspaper ad. The d was not based on the person's fame and did not portray him in a negative way, but he was insulted, hurt emotionally, would not have consented. c. Famous people, celebrities, are different in that their images, their fame has commercial value. Putting my name on the packaging for a football wouldn't help sell it. Putting Eli Mannings name instead would be designed to improve sales. The property interest celebrities have in their name in likeness is called right of (1) Because a right of publicity is â€Å"property' it can publicity. e sold or inherited Just like a ring or a car or a iece of furniture. This is why Elvi s and Michael Jackson have made millions more annually since they died than when alive. (2) But for private plaintiffs complaining of commercial appropriation, because damages are based purely on emotion or stress or preference, these interests are not inheritable. If for some reason a picture of your mom †assuming she is not a celebrity †appears on a package of flour after damages. 2. Name or likeness her death, there is no basis to recover a. More often than not, this will be a Jury question (question of fact).How clear was it that the defendant ntended you to be identifiable? EXAMPLE: Suppose a movie is made and there's a real Jerk character named â€Å"Dean Mitchell. †I feel horrified and demeaned, but if the use of the name is purely incidental then too bad for me. No damages. Incidental use. EXAMPLE: Without your knowledge or permission, your picture is taken at an 0. 0. T. stop. Next thing you know, this photo has been enlarged 12 feet tall and is used i n vinyl applied to all 0. 0. T. vehicles. Strangers come up to you on campus and say, â€Å"Hey, Bus Girl†and professors call on you in class as â€Å"bus girl. You have a case for he emotional stress this causes, if any. On the other hand, if the picture is in profile or something and you recognize your image but others do not, then it's not likely you have a basis for a lawsuit. b. In the context of celebrities due to their right of publicity, the analysis is easier. It's usually clear celebritys image for market that a defendant has used the advantage. in Taylor and I claim that speedy service is the basis for using â€Å"Swift. †c. Name or likeness doesn't have to be birth certificate name or front-on photograph. Chapter Notes If 10% of the population of the confederate state would take an oath, they could be readmitted back into the union. Lincoln was radical. Andrew Johnson and Reconstruction plans: wanted to let the southern states rebuild themselves, if they would take an oath of allegiance would be readmitted (not high ranked), restitution of property?did not include slaves. Hand pick governors and create their own governments. They had to revoke the secession ordinance, abolish slavery, and repay some of the war debts.However, the Radical Republicans were against this. South was democratic. Black Codes: any kind of codes used to discriminate against blacks. Beginning of segregation, doesn't specify race or whatever?grandfather clause. Freedman's Bureau: 50 acres and a mule. Wade-Davis Bill: radicals view. Republicans being very angry at Johnny's Ideas. Resistance of wage labor: against the blacks. The point when the blacks were trying to get Jobs, paid less or discriminated or didn't have wage. Wen t around to a lot of dif. Places, subsistence farmers. Thirteenth Amendment Fourteenth Amendment Blacks were citizensFifteenth Amendment gave black citizens the right to vote. = treatment under the law. Radical Republicans Reconstruction was about rebuilding society?totalitarian society. 5 dif. Military districts. SC the last state to be released from this. Radical Reconstruction Johnny's Impeachment not really removed from office. Impeached because he Election of 1868: Grant. Grant was a war hero Run for office and most likely win. Women's suffrage : homestead act. Women that moved out west were more Independent with the farms, were widows b/c their husbands died. More Independent women In the west.Carpetbaggers and scalawags: Carpetbaggers: entrees from the north. SC: southerners who believe in northern stuff. A lot of free open land, start businesses Go down south and get cheap land, some are sympathizers (n) SC: okay with new people moving down, help rebuild economy Black offic eholders: They can win because of gerrymandering (taking a district and shaping it oddly) Black majorities, had the eggbeater clause, make up rules and try to dissuade them from running. Rare because the whites were against it. Sharecropping: south has a lot of land, what happens is the freedman's bureau gives 50 acres of land.Split up land and give It to the people. Blacks turned to land for support: live off of It, subsistence farming, part of land went back to the people that lived there. Nicer way for the masters to get their stuff back. Rise of the UK Klux Klan Nathan Bedford Forest. Starts the ASK. A confederate general who starts it out of (Knights of White Camilla) hate. Anybody that was going to run, they intimidate them. Tried to scare them away, threats, one of the first terrorist groups. Redeemers ex-confederates that wanted to restore the south. Self-government, social standard.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Successful Sportsman
An excellent sportsman incorporates many traits such as powerful physique, keen senses, discipline, calm and yet gregarious and outgoing. Unfortunately, teenagers lack tenacity resulting in the declining of numbers of sportsmen in our country. Little did they know, becoming a successful sportsman just requires integrity and perseverance. First of all, a successful sportsman consumes a balanced meal which consist all the necessary nutrients for enhancing their physique and metabolism. Besides that, more vegetables are included in the meal. It is because vegetables contain important minerals and vitamins which are beneficial to sportsmen. Including nutritious food such as seafood, meat, eggs and others are also profitable to sportsmen. Sportsmen should strongly avert on eating fast food because fast food contains excess amount of fat and salt which is unfavourable and an obstacle to becoming a successful sportsman. Enough sleep and rest is also a major requisite for becoming a successful sportsman. Studies have shown that sleeping for 8 hours is the most suitable and healthy time. Sleeping too much or too less could results in downright situation. Relax after training is too needed as to not over stress the sportsman. Over excessive training could results in tears and wears of your body and does not bring up the consequence that you anticipated. As the most important factor in becoming a successful sportsman, regular training is demanded. Continuous practice with suitable rest is best for a sportsman to prevent over stress. Having a discipline and determined heart is highly valued and necessary in training too. Rebellious behavior will only bring you to be unacceptable in the community. As a good sportsman, a sublime sportsmanship is needed. Avoid from breaking the rules and be prepared to accept losses. You cannot win in every game that you participated even if you are the most excellent sportsman in the world. Finally, a good coach which is charismatic and motivated is a necessity for developing a successful sportsman. A good coach is needed to seek and tap on to a conceal talent buried in a person. A good coach is also important in arranging strategies to raise the winning factor of a sportsman without breaking barriers and rules.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Business plan of restaurant
Business plan of restaurant Introduction The business plan focuses on the establishment of a Middle-Eastern restaurant and hookah bar known as Karam. It will stand out from the competition because of its uniqueness and strong identity amongst the immigrant Arabic population. The restaurant will also offer flawless service and excellent cuisine in order to increase its market base (Covello Hazelgren, 2005).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Business plan of restaurant specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Business type This will be a restaurant that serves Middle–eastern food and will also have a hookah bar. It should be noted that hookah is a pipe, which people use to smoke flavored tobacco. The habit is common in Middle – Eastern communities and is a conventional way of relaxing. Clients will visit the restaurant in order to enjoy its tranquil atmosphere, Arabic menu, hookah sessions, and to socialize with other Middle Easterners. The business owner will employ chefs with Arabic origin and experience in busy Middle-Eastern restaurants. Furthermore, employees will have incentive programs. The business will be open from 8am to 11pm with two shifts. Location Karam restaurant will be at 451 Prince Street Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada. The place is ideal for this business because not only is it easily accessible to city residents, but there is a high traffic flow of people who will see the restaurant and thus purchase its services. One of the major ingredients to success in the food industry is visibility. The chosen location will ascertain this. It is right at the centre of an enormous Arab-immigrant population so it would be ideal. Sources of revenue The restaurant will draw its revenue from the sale of food and drinks as well as hookah. All meals will be available, including breakfast, lunch and supper. Food items will include mazza or appetizers, Khouka, Couscous in red peppers and spices, samsa, lamb, and Salata Mi shwiyya. Customers will also pay for drinks that accompany their meals. In the hookah bar, buyers will pay per session as this will ensure maximization of time spent.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Target demographic The main client base will consist of Middle Eastern immigrants in the Sydney area. Many of them long for food items that remind them of home, so it will be a superb service offering. These individuals will mostly be young as the Arabic population in Canada is relatively young (The Canadian Encyclopedia, 2013). Curious foodies who want to sample Arabic meals are also likely to frequent the restaurant. Potential marketing strategies The first mode of marketing will be signage on the building. The name Karam restaurant will be prominent on the external wall. The logo will depict an element of Arab tradition and pictures of Arabic food will also be shown. Word of mouth marketing will also be a crucial strategy, as well. Effective customer service will ensure repeat business as well as recommendations from those who enjoyed the food. Besides this, brochures and pamphlets in Sydney will advertise the restaurant. It will also have an intense advertising company on local radio stations as well as dailies where it will talk about its launch and menu items (Gilligan, 2003). Potential research sources The company will obtain information for research purposes through the use of research professionals. They will interview members of the target demographic and find out what they want. Employees and managers will also get feedback from clients in their service levels. Additionally, information about marketing and promotion will stem from books written on the subject matter (Brags, 2005). References Brags, A. (2005). Developing new business ideas. NY: Financial times Covello, J. Hazelgren, B. (2005). Your first business plan. Chicago: Source b ooks. Gilligan, C. (2003). Strategic marketing planning. NY: Butterworth-Heinemann.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Business plan of restaurant specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Canadian Encyclopedia (2013). Arabs. Retrieved from
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Write a Memorable Author Bio (with Template)
How to Write a Memorable Author Bio (with Template) How to Write a Killer Author Bio It’s important for indie authors to know how to write an author bio that tells readers: who you are, what you write, why readers should trust you, and how you stand out from other writers.Your bio is like your calling card. â€Å"It's something that will let readers get a sense of who you are, and is an important part for pitching media and book proposals,†sums up marketer Rachel Cone-Gorham, formerly of Penguin Random House.This step-by-step guide dives into the four main components of a killer author bio and provides tips from our talented marketers for nailing each section.Why your author bio mattersFor non-fiction authors, the author bio is a critical marketing tool as who are you are is often as (or more!) important than what your book is about. If readers enjoy your books, they will likely want to get to know you better, summarizes Rob. â€Å"Use your bio as a tool to confirm your credibility, display your personality, and cross-promote other titles. By taking those steps, you can help transform readers into fans.†What are some of the best author bios you’ve seen on an Amazon page or on a back cover? Share them in the comments below and tell us why you like them.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Choosing a Career - Pharmacy School Personal Statement
Choosing a Career - Pharmacy School - Personal Statement Example I feel these feelings are based on my childhood experiences. I came to the United States from Vietnam at the tender age of ten. Since then I have received so much love and support from this country that I feel it is time for me to start paying back and what better way to do it then as a pharmacist. My interest in sciences began quite early in life when I used to visit the local drug store with my parents. I was always impressed as to how the pharmacist always knew which medicine to dispense and to whom. It was this curiosity that made me take up a part-time job at the drugstore during my school intervals. This job helped me obtain a better understanding of particular illnesses and their cures through various drugs. I developed an insight into the general know-how of drugs particularly the usage, the allocation and the regulation of drugs. Consequently, I focussed my attention on the field of sciences at the high school. Mind you I wasn't a bookworm I actively participated in extra curriculum activities including various clubs and community service. Nevertheless, as a result of my deep interest in sciences and practical experience at the drug store, I was able to secure my graduation from high school. It was that memorable day that I decided to pursue pharmacy as a career. I feel that the prime purpose of seeking education is to develop the innate qualities of an individual to the fullest extent possible. Any education theory is strongly based on a conception of the aim in life and the laws of mental change. I personally believe that education is the development of intellectual and moral qualities. A Doctor of Pharmacy Degree would provide me with the requisite knowledge to help me in fulfilling this goal not to mention fuel my career aspirations. Moreover, I feel that pharmacy is a field that has become an integral part of today's world. The profession is respected across the globe and has great potential in various industries. I have always believed that time that slips away never comes back and I for one, plan to make the most of my time and to achieve as much as I possibly can in the shortest time possible. The Doctor of Pharmacy degree would be the stepping stone for me to materialize this goal. My career aspirations have remained the same since my high school graduation and it is rarely that a decision made right after high school continues to be the right one later on in life. In my case, I am sure my decision is not only correct but is perfect for me and in line with my future goals. I have been happily working at a retail pharmacy as a pharmacy technician for the past two years. That job has further strengthened my belief in the pharmacy career. I have even evaluated future job opportunities and studied the requirements various companies have with their pharmacy candidates. I have kept all this information in mind and when finally selecting this degree as my final and only choice. Keeping my long-term goals in mind I feel that I don't just want to succeed in life but I want to succeed while gaining job satisfaction. For this to be possible I must ensure that I get the relevant degree from a respected college, followed by the right job befitting my profile and eventually enjoy a comfortable future with a good quality of life. I feel that I would make an extraordinary pharmacist thanks to my love for people and for the profession. Â
Friday, November 1, 2019
The sports industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The sports industry - Essay Example a sport or entertainment source, but also as an economic tool, the levels of professionalism, the industry’s profitability and income improvement levels in various nations where the sport is recognized and respected has risen tremendously. Primarily, the value of sports is a crucial topic for anyone trying to understand this industry must review. Considering a study by Deloitte, which was conducted first in 1992, and the last time it was conducted in 2013, the football industry has grown by 14 times from its initial  £170 million to its current value, estimated to be  £2.3 billion. Such growth levels indicate that this is probably one of the greatest drivers of the economy. In Europe, the football industry is one of the biggest industries with even venture capitalists investing in it. The value of the football industry has changed over a short period of time and this can be attributed to a number of features which range from exposure to increase in global interest in the sport (Sports Business Group, 2013). This growth in profits and revenues is not only accounted for by ticket sales, but also from endorsements from other companies and the invisible aspect of how much the football industry has improved other industries as well. Pay TV, for instance, is one of the industries that has greatly benefitted from football, with the increase in numbers of viewers and the development of more programs for the game. Media companies such as Super-Sport, ESPN, SKY sports and ITV digital are some firms that have reaped profits from football seasons impressively. Commercialization of the industry has also boosted its value appreciably. In 2012, the premier league was ranked as one of the highest grossing organizations in the UK. In just a mere season, the domestic rights for the broadcasting of soccer games were sold for over  £ 1 billion per year, which amounts to 18% of all domestic media rights in the UK. Secondly, the game attendance levels for the previous season were
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